Die Teddy Die!

What ever happened to compassion? Not too long ago I was at the Astor Place train station on the east side of Manhattan (around the vicinity of NYU). I noticed an elderly woman (around 40 or so). As we're walking down the stairs she begins to trip, and falls down the stairs descending into hell and lands flat on her face. The reaction from the onlookers...wait...there were no onlookers because her fall hardly drew a response from anyone. That's right! I remember now. Everyone just kind of stepped over her and continued in the frenzy we know as rush hour. I'll repeat that again in case you didn't catch it. THEY STEPPED OVER HER. And those who didn't step over her, zigzagged their way around her. After all, the train was coming! It's not like another train would have come to the station in another five minutes. About myself and two other people actually extended themselves to help her and ask her if she was alright. Apparently, something was wrong with us. Shouldn't we have been in a rush to get home...after all it was a new york city rush hour. Oh what the hell, Die Teddy Die!
Ari W.
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