The Idiocy Of Bill O'Reilly
So, on his show Bill O'Reilly stated that the rap artist 50 cent was a "pinhead" [yes that statement is verbatim.] because half dollar there stated that if/when? Barrack Obama won the presidency, he would be shot. Now let me get this straight Bill, not that I am a supporter or fan of 50, but his statement is not off track and he is not off his rocker when you consider this. The last two presidents to be assassinated were White males, however they were White males who happened to support the rights of minorities. For example Blacks, Latinos, Women, etc. What exactly do you think would happen if one of the people whose rights was being fought for by either of these men decided to run for a political office of that prestige? Do you think they would have any better of a chance than the men who fought for them and were assassinated? Not really logical, now is it. Sorry, my man half dollar actually has a point.
I said the exact same thing to my wife quite a while ago.
She wasn't listening though, she couldn't take her eyes off my little bronze mouse.
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